Make Money not Mistakes
Learn to source & manufacture the best quality products
You are a “Do it yourself” person but you need some fast track help. I have both choices to help you on your journey.
means the world
Low value products and packaging eventually equals waste.
Produce a product that reduces the harmful environmental side-effects of manufacturing.
Come here to learn
I am all about teaching how to fish here. There are no instant results bull or guru spouting here.
Get straight forward, actionable direction to work on your business.

Learn from my 15 years of experience in China, Vietnam and South East Asia. I have made a wide variety of products including consumer electronics, fashion accessories, gifts, premiums, home decor and more.
I have been there and done it all. I make it easy by showing you the shortcuts to save time and money. Take my best practices and leave my mistakes behind.
Check out some companies below I have worked with to make their business better. Click on picture to learn more about the business.